How to Remove Oil Stains from Garage Floor

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How to Remove Oil Stains from Garage Floor – Do you hate those nasty stains in the garage and the garden? An oil leak from a car or lawn mower is enough to cause damage to the garage floor.

How to Remove Oil Stains from Garage Floor


How to Remove Oil Stains from Garage Floor

You will need:

  • Quick cement
  • Sawdust
  • Sand for cats


Steps to follow:

  1. Spread a thick layer of sawdust or cat litter over the stain to absorb excess grease or oil from the surface.
  2. Let the sawdust or sand for a cat sit for a day or two.
  3. Gently rub the dirty sawdust or cat litter.
  4. Pour dry cement over the oil stain or dry grease.
  5. Allow the cement to settle for a day or two.
  6. Rub and gently remove the dirty cement.
  7. Put the dirty cement in a bag and throw it in the trash. Do not allow dirty cement to enter the pipes.
  8. Now if you want you can pass a water hose with pressure on the park floor, you will see that it is clean of oil and grease stains.



  • Cat litter and sawdust absorb excess oil from the surface, while cement absorbs the stain completely from the garage.
  • For best results, clean stains as they appear.
  • Use large drip pans under leaking cars to avoid stains on the floor
  • When cleaning the oil or grease stains on the outside, be aware of the weather forecast for the time when you put the cement, if you get water, it will harden.
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