Tips for Getting Rid of Pet Hair at Home

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Do you have cat and dog hair spread everywhere in your houses, such as on the sofa, curtains, and clothes? It happens that the hair simply “gets out of control”. But to help you, we’ve separated some quick and easy tips to eliminate pet hair that invades every corner of your home.

Tips for Getting Rid of Pet Hair at Home
Tips for Getting Rid of Pet Hair at Home

How to get rid of pet hair at home

There are always ways to prevent your pet’s fur, such as preventing them from climbing on the sofa, on your bed or even on clean clothes (cats’ passion). Even so, controlling their fur is not an easy task and they always end up accumulating in the most unexpected places. That’s why we explain below how to remove pet hair.

Removing pet hair from furniture

  • Remove your pet’s fur from upholstery and fabrics in general with damp rubber gloves, running your hand across the surface to attract the fur. Then just rinse the fur when it is covered with hair and repeat the process if necessary. If you don’t have rubber gloves, try using a slightly damp sponge.

  • Spray a mixture of water and fabric softener on your upholstered furniture and then rub it in lightly.

  • To remove pet hair from wooden furniture, use a soft cloth and furniture polish or an anti-static silicone spray. The spray will eliminate static electricity, making it easier to remove and lessening the chance of hair sticking to the furniture again.

Removing pet hair from the floor

  • For rugs and carpets, gently scrape a pumice stone across the surface so that the fur will join.

  • When vacuuming carpets, be sure to vacuum in different directions to ensure the toughest hairs come off.

  • On wood, laminate or ceramic floors use a dry microfiber mop, as the vacuum will blow more and scatter the hair than properly remove it.

Removing pet hair from clothes

  • The same strategy as the wet rubber glove can be used, it works very well.

  • But if you’re about to go out and you’ve noticed that your clothes are full of hair, the easiest tip is to always have a roll of wide duct tape (drex) handy, to wrap in your hand, leaving the part that sticks out. Just press the clothes where the hairs are accumulated and everything will stick to the tape.

Extra Tips

Brushing your pets at least twice a week will drastically reduce the amount of fur around the house. If your pet is not the most scared, wrapping a sock in the vacuum nozzle and then passing it on to your dog or cat will do wonders.

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