Does television generate discord in your home? Would you like to hide it and the partner does not let it and vice versa? This matter can solve.
We have all been through this: installing a television on the wall or a piece of furniture and, in the end, having a plethora of drooping wires, looking like a big prankster. But there is a solution! Some more practical, to remedy what already exists, others that need a little planning. See tips and choose the one that works best for you
It is difficult to find a home that does not have at least one television. But when it comes to ambient décor, we can agree that the piece is not the easiest to harmonize, as a black screen gets a lot of attention. If the position or existence of the TV creates discord in your home, these 24 environments can help. In them, the piece is completely hidden through five creative tricks and is only visible when and if the locals want it. Check out: